daisy from whole and home

About Whole & Home

‘In order to fly, you must give up the things that weigh you down’ - Toni Morisson

Whole & Home was born out of a love of decluttering, organising, styling and wellbeing.

I believe that what you surround yourself with affects how you feel and, in turn, how you live. By organising your home around what’s most important to you and what makes you happy, you’ll feel great and will be more able to live the kind of life you desire. Oh, and as an added bonus, your home will look beautiful, too! 

I understand that change takes time and practice. Whether you’re holding on to too much clutter or having difficulty organising your space or time, I can empower you to understand and overcome obstacles you’re facing. Together, we can make little changes that provide a big impact.

I’ve practised tidying, planning and styling all my life, read countless books and trained as a professional organiser and am a member of APDO (the Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers). 

I love my home! It’s my favourite place and I hope I can help you feel the same about yours.

About me

When I'm not organising my home or writing a list, I'm usually...

cooking or eating; reading a book about personal development; listening to classical, electronic or folk music; enjoying a candle-lit bath with a glass of wine; spending time with family and friends; walking, running and defying my chronic inflexibility by attempting to get better at yoga; or laying in bed watching a Netflix comedy and eating ice cream.

daisy cordell

Favourite things at home

Favourite things in life


Get in touch and we’ll have a chat about how we can work together to make your home and life sing!